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Create The Life You Most Desire

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Transformational coaching services for women who are ready to unlock their true potential and pursue their Big Dreams with confidence

My Services

My coaching services help you "see what you don’t see." Although we don’t see things as they are for many different reasons, through subtle fine-tuning of your mind, coaching encourages a different way of thinking, being, and doing. This enhanced ability to see allows you to engage with life in a more effective way and make your vision a reality. As your life coach, I will be with you each step of the way to help you thrive toward progress and growth.

Success Mindset Coaching

Expanding Your Consciousness

Success Mindset Coaching is a developmental coaching program that challenges the way you think so that you can question your conscious and unconscious ways of being. Powerful questions facilitate finding your own answers and allow you to identify the most important goals and define strategies to achieve the desired result.


Coaching Beyond Words

Neurographica® is a creative method of transformation. With a simple drawing technique, it allows you to gain access to the subconscious mind and rewire it bypassing the analytical mind. When you create your desired outcome on paper you experience a sort of virtual reality simulation, and your brain builds new neural connections that help you achieve your goal. 


  • Overworked from all the commitments and responsibilities you’ve taken up?

  • Feeling uninspired and frustrated doing what you do while knowing you can bring more aligned impact in the world?

  • Impatient about your healing journey and getting results?

  • Lost about trying to figure out what exactly is missing in your life?

  • Noticing that pushing through challenges doesn’t work anymore but you are not sure what will?

Do you ever dream about an EVOLVED version of yourself and what she can ACHIEVE?

I don’t mean a better version, but a TRUE highest expression of you that:

  • Knows who she is

  • Sees clearly what she wants and how to get there

  • Experiences ongoing flow of creativity

  • Feels confident and courageous to share her gifts

  • Sees the unlimited potential of this world

  • Brings ambitious projects to life and disrupts the status quo

If this resonates with you - it’s because this version of you already EXISTS and is just waiting to be unlocked.

So, why are you holding it back?


I know how it feels to be living out of alignment and I also know how magical it feels when you finally live the life you love.


If you are reading this and saying to yourself, "Yes, I am so ready for a change," I have something for you. Let’s connect and discover how my gifts can help you unlock yours.

"A journey towards fulfilling your life’s mission starts with becoming best friends with yourself."


Before you bring change in the world it is crucial to learn who you are first.

  • Who you are without any labels

  • Who you are apart from other people’s expectations

  • Who you are as your TRUE unique self.

Let me tell you it is not always easy to look in the mirror. It is not easy to embrace your conditioning and shadows, but it is where your most valuable gifts may be hidden.


Facing your darkest self isn’t easy - but it is so liberating and worth it.


And it’s not something I'd recommend doing on your own.

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
Carl Jung

Here is what my client said after just one session:

“I am very very grateful for this true transformation you helped me achieve. I went to my morning job today feeling light, happy, and actually dressed up nice! I was not irritated by people. I was not hiding nor ashamed of being there. I was actually proud and the feeling of heaviness, shame and loneliness completely disappeared. I was my true self and my light was shining! This was my quest since the beginning of this year, I wanted to heal and accept being there and today my goal manifested in reality and I truly experienced healing. I am truly grateful because you helped enlighten me to allow my little girl “Rock star” to heal and let go of what does not serve me and be fully present in the now! And embrace myself for what I have achieved and where I am now!”

If you want to unlock your true potential and see results, I can help. 

Let’s start the transformation.


Hey, I'm Talia!

I bring ancient and modern wisdom together to help you align your life and become the expression of your true self. My approach is a combination of analytical and creative coaching methods with the integration of knowledge from human design and archetype systems. It allows me to see you for who you are and helps you express your full potential.


I am a lifelong explorer and experimenter. Ever since I stepped on the self-discovery path, I have kept learning new methods and tools so I can act as your personal alchemist – bringing different practices together and creating a unique approach for you.


I have invested 1000+ hours in educational courses and certifications in the field of personal development and psychology. This means that you get a unique synthesis of information so you do not need to waste your precious time looking for useful tools to uplevel your life.

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